Tina Barrett, EdD, LCPC

Advisory Board

Tina Barrett

Tina Barrett, EdD, LCPC

Dr. Barrett is Founder and Executive Director of Tamarack Grief Resource Center. Dr. Barrett specializes in companioning, stabilizing, and strengthening families following tragedy. Tina weaves stories and lessons from 25+ years of experience with grief programs, schools, hospitals, private practice, group homes, treatment centers, and nonprofits into her workshops. She serves on the Leadership Team for Project Tomorrow Montana, on the Board of Directors for the National Alliance for Children's Grief (NACG), and on the Advisory Board for TAPS. Tina received the Community Educator Award from Association for Death Educators and Counselors (ADEC) in 2019.


Visit Tamarck Grief Resource Center for more information on Tina Barrett.

See also Tina Barrett's articles published on the TAPS website.