Contributions by Dayna Wood
I’ve decided one of my New Year’s Resolutions is to tackle these hurdles as best I can and make the most of what this new city has to offer.
1/14/2013 - Dayna WoodWhenever I’m having a sad/lonely day, I’m going to “hunt the good”.
11/5/2012 - Dayna WoodYet, I also know that I’ll never “move on”. Ko will forever have a piece of my heart. My goal right now is to keep carrying on in pursuit of brighter days.
9/3/2012 - Dayna WoodOne of the best ways I’ve found to cope is just to give into the tears. I’ve come to accept that there is absolutely no shame in crying
7/23/2012 - Dayna WoodI know that it’s never going to change, but I’m extremely grateful to TAPS for making some of my worst moments a little easier.
6/5/2012 - Dayna WoodThe last 13 months have been particularly rough. My fiancé SSG Su Wan Ko was killed in an automobile accident in March 2011.
4/16/2012 - Dayna Wood