Contributions by Jonathan Kirkendall
Remember the Life, Recognize the Light
Making memorial luminaries with your children is an activity that can give kids an opportunity to creatively engage their memories of the loved one.
9/18/2017 - Jonathan Kirkendall - Erin Hefner
5 Ways to Honor Your Surviving Military Child
Here are some ideas for how to honor your surviving military children during Month of the Military Child (and every month).
4/14/2017 - Jonathan Kirkendall
Bonds of Friendship Nurture Healing
Campers and mentors are busy from the moment the National Good Grief Camp starts forming bonds that will last throughout the weekend and beyond.
8/1/2016 - Jonathan Kirkendall
Summer Reading List for Kids
Books can be a helpful way to encourage kids to talk about their own grief.
8/1/2016 - Jonathan Kirkendall
Good Grief Camp Corner
My heart was pounding, and I was running late for the 2 p.m. training I had been told to attend, but not only could I not find the room.
4/1/2016 - Jonathan Kirkendall