Contributions for 2010

Nobody really understands why we aren’t joyful during the holidays. They don’t realize that it brings back into focus our feelings about the many things we have lost.
12/21/2010 - Angelia Brinneman
Perhaps that is the secret to melting winter into spring. The challenge is to always carve out something beautiful from the icicle.
12/21/2010 - Darcie Sims
Although there are many obstacles, it is especially important to remember one thing. Children are naturally hopeful. That feeling of hopefulness leads to their resilience.
12/21/2010 - Andrea Hug
It should be clearly understood, however, that alcohol is just as much a drug as any chemical compound or prescribed medication.
12/21/2010 - Margaret Gerner
As you approach the holidays, remember: grief is both a necessity and a privilege. It comes as a result of giving and receiving love.
12/21/2010 - Alan Wolfelt
One Thanksgiving night many years ago while working at a VA Medical Center, I first heard of an Honorable Celestial Discharge.
12/21/2010 - Colleen Betlach
Volume 16, Issue 4
12/21/2010 - TAPS Quarterly Magazine
100 Practical Ideas is actually a series of books including different volumes customized for the relationship or the type of loss.
12/21/2010 - Betsy Beard
The Colorado Honor Corps, led by Lynne and Bo Cottrell, hit another homerun this year with the 5th annual TAPS Celebrity Classic raising more than $400,000 for TAPS!
9/21/2010 - TAPS
If you are new to the path of grief, all I can tell you is to just hold on. This journey is all your own but there are others who have walked the path ahead of you.
9/21/2010 - Stacey Hrvatin
Volume 16, Issue 3
9/21/2010 - TAPS Quarterly Magazine
Any runner can participate with Team TAPS in any event in any location. We are proud to acknowledge two runners who supported TAPS in the prestigious Boston Marathon!
9/21/2010 - TAPS
Grief is a part of life; no one can avoid it. When grief is experienced, growth can occur. When a loved one dies, our life changes.
9/21/2010 - Howard Winokuer
Healing the Hurt Spirit helps dispel the myths that still exist in our society and leads us to the reality that one last event does not define our loved one’s whole life.
9/21/2010 - Carol Lane
Healing After Loss is divided into 365 daily readings. Each reading starts with a short quotation followed by several paragraphs exploring the topic.
9/21/2010 - Betsy Beard
There is a time and place when using medication for grief is acceptable and needful, knowing when is the challenge.
9/21/2010 - Richard Dew
Bereavement counseling is assistance and support to people with emotional and psychological stress after the death of a loved one.
9/21/2010 - TAPS
Volume 16, Issue 2
6/21/2010 - TAPS Quarterly Magazine
Klinger is a touching book that I would recommend to any kid who is dealing with grief over the death of a parent or loved one in the military.
6/21/2010 - Madeline LaMorie
If you are a brass player, you might consider joining Bugles Across America (BAA) in our mission to bring live Taps to all veterans.
6/21/2010 - Roger Meyer
26 years after the Beirut Marine Barracks Bombing, Lisa looks back on her journey and offers her experience and encouragement to others.
6/21/2010 - Lisa Hudson
“How do I incorporate my deceased loved one into my life and move on to new relationships?”
6/21/2010 - Gloria Horsley - Heidi Horsley
One tool to help people cope with the intense emotions and physical impacts of bereavement is yoga.
6/21/2010 - Ami Neiberger-Miller
Cody’s decision to join the military taught me that we can choose to take control of our lives and make something of ourselves.
6/21/2010 - Michael Lewis
Grief isn’t a seasonal song. It’s a lifetime song, but it doesn’t have to be a sad song forever.
6/21/2010 - Darcie Sims
The only true antidote I have ever found for surviving the pain and anguish of living in these two parallel universes is the loving-kindness of another human being.
3/21/2010 - Alison Lighthall
Volume 16, Issue 1
3/21/2010 - TAPS Quarterly Magazine
What makes the TAPS National Good Grief Camp unique are the hundreds of trained active duty military personnel mentors who volunteer for this special weekend.
3/21/2010 - Heather Campagna
When a Brother or Sister Dies is so much more than a self-help book. It’s a journey of self reflection and healing.
3/21/2010 - BillieJo Alexander
Upon landing I knew Laurent had been with me every second of the jump. And I now know that he will be with me as my guardian angel telling me to be strong.
3/21/2010 - Michelle West
When your heart is hurting from the loss of a loved one, your body reacts to that grief in certain ways. Learn what is normal, what is not and when to get help.
3/21/2010 - Susan Blankenship - Rebecca Porter
A loved one's suicide can be emotionally devastating. Use healthy coping strategies — such as seeking support — to begin the journey to healing and acceptance.
3/21/2010 - Mayo Clinic Staff
For many of us it is hard to open our hearts when our loved one has given the ultimate sacrifice to our nation and we remain behind.
3/21/2010 - Carol Lane
There are no timetables for grief and no one right way to grieve. There are as many ways to grieve as there are people grieving.
3/21/2010 - Darcie Sims
Klinger is a young horse dreaming of fame as a racehorse. But his life is disrupted when he must leave his parents and start a new life.
1/10/2010 - Betsy Beard