Contributions for 2021

Your TAPS Policy Team testified before Congress on five separate occasions and submitted statements for the record on important survivor issues.
12/14/2021 - TAPS
Based on Dana Canedy’s bestselling memoir, A Journal for Jordan follows the true story of U.S. Army First Sergeant Charles Monroe King, Canedy’s fiancée.
12/11/2021 - TAPS
Surviving widow and yoga enthusiast Rayanne Hunter shares how yoga gave her that extra boost of strength to get through everything.
12/9/2021 - Rayanne Hunter
A surviving mom shares a personal project and the healing that came from making the scarf, from doing the work.
12/8/2021 - Lydia Burgdorf
Get tips to counter society’s harmful misconceptions about grief and mourning. Take good care of yourself and know that you are loved.
12/7/2021 - Bonnie Carroll - Alan Wolfelt
Surviving mom shares a cookie recipe her son particularly loved and called “gingerbread cookies.”
12/6/2021 - Rachel Eckels
Learn ways to your navigate grief while also supporting your children’s need to experience all that the holidays can be for them.
12/5/2021 - TAPS
Here are three of Allison Gilbert's favorite ways to honor and celebrate the family and friends we never want to forget.
12/4/2021 - Allison Gilbert
The North American way of facing the holidays in grief is to grope and cope, but you can change the goal; by applying these ideas.
12/3/2021 - William Hoy
Handling conversations during the holidays is essential to remain conscientious of those grieving the loss of a loved one and being sensitive to their needs.
12/2/2021 - Rachel Kodanaz
This video with Dr. Alan Wolfelt provides some practical counsel to assist you in maintaining mental health wellness during the holidays.
12/2/2021 - Alan Wolfelt
Holidays can be a difficult time coping with the loss of a loved one. Your TAPS family is here with comfort and care, you are not alone.
12/1/2021 - Bonnie Carroll
Volume 27, Issue 4
12/1/2021 - TAPS Quarterly Magazine
No simple guidelines will take away the hurt you are feeling. We hope the suggestions will help you better cope with your grief during this time of the year.
12/1/2021 - Alan Wolfelt
TAPS is a family, and this holiday season, when there is so much emphasis on families coming together, we can take comfort in knowing we are not alone in our grief.
12/1/2021 - TAPS Media
Thanksgiving can be a challenging time for those who have an empty seat at their table. Your TAPS Family is here for you and you are not alone.
11/25/2021 - Bonnie Carroll
teams4taps and the PGA TOUR Superstore joined forces to create events for survivors to honor their military loved ones through their favorite sport — golf!
11/24/2021 - TAPS
TAPS Youth share how TAPS has helped them heal and honor their loved one's legacy through relationships formed with Legacy and Military Mentors.
11/24/2021 - TAPS Media
Several, easy-to-learn meditative techniques can help us weed out our mind chatter so that we can create space for our new harvest.
11/22/2021 - Heather Stang
The TAPS seminar gave me hope. TAPS helped me understand. Most importantly, it helped me accept my grief.
11/20/2021 - John Wellington Huss II
Video recording discussion on empowering grieving persons in drawing boundaries for their grief journey and choosing tools and interventions for healing.
11/16/2021 - Joy Berger
Event Photos: TAPS supporters join together in supporting the families of our fallen military members.
11/16/2021 - TAPS Media
Event Photos: TAPS hosted a reception at the headquarters for special guests attending the TAPS Honor Guard Gala.
11/16/2021 - TAPS Media
Families of the fallen share why their loved ones served in the military. TAPS helps survivors heal in their grief journey.
11/16/2021 - TAPS Media
At the Gala, we remember the love of our fallen heroes, celebrate their lives and share the stories of the journey we have with our TAPS family.
11/16/2021 - TAPS Media
Dignity Memorial® has designed recommendations to help us build our resilience and take care of ourselves while we grieve.
11/15/2021 - TAPS
This guide was written by survivors, for survivors, and will give you a roadmap to guide you on your journey of grief. You are not alone.
11/15/2021 - TAPS
The TAPS Suicide Postvention Department is proud to present this new guidebook. Think of this as a roadmap to help navigate the path of grief due to suicide.
11/15/2021 - Carla Stumpf Patton
As we forward our mission to care for the families of America’s fallen heroes, TAPS is honored to be supported by the Department of Defense.
11/11/2021 - TAPS
Throughout more than a decade of dedicated service, survivor Kim Ruocco has inspirationally reduced the silence and stigma surrounding suicide.
11/10/2021 - TAPS
TAPS was founded 27 years ago! In commemoration, we share 27 ways in which TAPS provides help, hope, and healing to the families of America's fallen heroes.
11/9/2021 - TAPS Media
A surviving mom shares what a TAPS Expedition is like and how it changed her life for the better too.
11/8/2021 - Colleen McGinnis
A surviving military daughter reflects on the freedoms her father fought for in Afghanistan and how those values and hopes still endure today.
11/5/2021 - Briana Hobbs
I might as well understand that I’m in a match where grief is my opponent for life. But my life can still be happy, hopeful and full of love.
11/2/2021 - Sandra Egts
Video recording discussion on how to find meaningful ways to celebrate the holidays and honor your grief while still protecting your feelings.
11/2/2021 - Rachel Kodanaz
International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day is on Saturday, November 20, 2021 and is intended to be a day of healing throughout the world.
11/1/2021 - Carla Stumpf Patton
November is a month to share gratitude, that may feel hard to do when we are grieving. At TAPS, we are grateful to count you as part of our family.
11/1/2021 - TAPS Media
Now more important than ever, TAPS is supporting Gold Star Families who are reeling from the chaos in Afghanistan and the Taliban takeover.
10/30/2021 - TAPS
Surviving father and TAPS Peer Mentor shares his experience with depression and his positive experience from the military in getting help.
10/29/2021 - Jon Ganues
Crafting, volunteering, and making donations are just a few of the many things we can do to honor our loved ones and forward their memories.
10/28/2021 - Judy Tatelbaum
Video recording discussion on various acupressure points. Experience the effects of sound through a remote sound healing demonstration.
10/26/2021 - Janie Keilwitz
In this wilderness of your grief, the touchstones are your trail markers. They are the signs that let you know you are on the right path.
10/24/2021 - Alan Wolfelt
Learning to see ourselves in positive ways can help us begin to heal no matter what our capabilities. Our bodies are worthy of compassion and care.
10/22/2021 - Erin Jacobson
Video recording on the dynamics and effects of faith and spirituality on the grieving process, even when the loss challenges one's beliefs.
10/19/2021 - Jerome Weaver
Event Photos, Adult and Youth Survivors come together in fellowship in Dallas, Texas.
10/11/2021 - TAPS Media
Volume 27, Issue 3
10/7/2021 - TAPS Quarterly Magazine
Fall is a time to reflect on how we can practice awareness, understanding, and acknowledgment of the emotions that come with loss and change.
10/1/2021 - TAPS Media
Surviving mom's reading of a story comparing the life cycle of dragonflies to the death of a loved one at her son's funeral continues to provide hope and healing.
9/30/2021 - Ruth Wiley
Event Photos: Survivors come together both in-person and virtually in fellowship in Columbus, Ohio.
9/26/2021 - TAPS Media
See the graphics from a commemorative book of 56 American flags flown in the 46th Presidential Inauguration and later presented to TAPS Families.
9/23/2021 - TAPS
Video recording on health benefits and best practices for journaling in this hands on workshop.
9/21/2021 - Heather Stang
Event Photos: TAPS joins Senator Warnock & Senator Hyde-Smith to Introduce Gold Star Families Remembrance Week Resolution on Capitol Hill.
9/15/2021 - TAPS Media
Event Photos and Story of 2021 Colorado Celebrity Classic by Pam Cress
9/11/2021 - TAPS Media
Those who lost loved ones on September 11 have become the living legacies of American service and sacrifice and forever part of the TAPS family.
9/10/2021 - Bonnie Carroll
Event Photos: TAPS supporters join together in supporting the families of our fallen military members.
9/9/2021 - TAPS Media
After the loss of his father at the Pentagon on 9/11, surviving son gives back as a Legacy Mentor and Group Leader to TAPS Good Grief Camp youth.
9/6/2021 - Robert Pycior
If you’ve been forced to postpone a full ceremony after a death, read these helpful tips for planning a future ceremony and following through.
9/3/2021 - Alan Wolfelt
Event Photos: TAPS surviving men enjoy wilderness to refocus, honor our loved ones, and connect with other men who understand in West Creek Ranch.
9/3/2021 - TAPS Media
Home Base and TAPS offer specialized trauma treatment combined with peer-based support to those grieving the loss of a military loved one to suicide.
9/1/2021 - Jennifer Keeling
Our nation has seen extreme acts of courage and service within civilian and military communities. We join in the outpouring of support.
9/1/2021 - TAPS Media
A surviving daughter chooses to focus on hope, honoring our Fallen Heroes, and remembering that there is meaning in the losses of our loved ones.
8/31/2021 - Kelly McHugh-Stewart
Video recording on responding to people whose remarks feel insensitive regarding losing a loved one and how to respond without feeling angry or hurt.
8/31/2021 - Rachel Kodanaz
Making memory boxes helps a surviving mother focus on the joy that person gave her life and can continue to give in the form of memories.
8/27/2021 - Susan Coti
Surviving daughter and author Heather Plett shares lessons learned from a gifted palliative care nurse while caring for her mother at home.
8/20/2021 - Heather Plett
Video recording on perspectives through different experiences. Explore how to honor the life and service our loved ones gave to our great nation.
8/20/2021 - TAPS International
Video recording discussion that explores and offers useful exercises and ideas to both ask for and offer support when someone is grieving.
8/17/2021 - Kenneth Doka
Event Photos: Survivors come together both in-person and virtually in fellowship in Jacksonville, Florida.
8/15/2021 - TAPS Media
With the support of TAPS, we are heading toward immense discovery to help illness loss survivors heal from the most traumatic events in our lives.
8/13/2021 - Robyn Thomson
Share stories of your loved one or simply listen and find healing from other men who have experienced the loss of a loved one who has served in the military.
8/6/2021 - Timothy Jabin
TAPS is grateful to the Senate and House co-sponsors who supported the resolution introducing 'Gold Star Children's Day.’
8/1/2021 - TAPS Media
TAPS is here to celebrate, honor and support all of our nation's military surviving children - the living legacies of American service and sacrifice.
8/1/2021 - TAPS Media
Nature can be a healer for us. Nature Heals written by Alan Wolfelt explores how to begin integrating it into your grief journey.
7/30/2021 - Rachel Hunsell
Video recording discussion on re-entry into the work place as a bereaved survivor and what that might look and feel like when trying to establish a routine.
7/27/2021 - Mark Hensley
Event Photos: Adult and Youth Survivors come together both in-person and virtually in fellowship in Los Angeles, California.
7/25/2021 - TAPS Media
This Memorial May, TAPS proudly partnered once again with Carry The Load as a national, non-profit partner.
7/23/2021 - TAPS
Event Photos: TAPS Survivors move beyond your comfort zone with the support of others who understand in Eagle Creek, Alaska.
7/23/2021 - TAPS Media
Video recording discussion on the unique aspects and challenges of sibling death and discover ways to find hope living without your brother or sister.
7/20/2021 - Heidi Horsley
Dignity Memorial helps newly bereaved military survivors by providing grief support materials connecting families with the TAPS Survivor Care Team.
7/19/2021 - TAPS
Event Photos: TAPS Families attended the at USA Basketball Women's National Team v Australia held in Las Vegas, Nevada.
7/16/2021 - TAPS Media
Volume 27, Issue 2
7/15/2021 - TAPS Quarterly Magazine
Event Photos: TAPS Families attended the Women's National Basketball Association All-Star Team v USA Basketball Women's National Team in Las Vegas.
7/14/2021 - TAPS Media
Event Photos: TAPS Families attended the Major League Baseball All-Star Game held in Denver, Colorado.
7/12/2021 - TAPS Media
TAPS surviving families learn to grieve as a family with new tools for the path ahead in Knoxville, Maryland.
7/11/2021 - TAPS Media
Event Photos: TAPS Families attended the Washington Nationals Salute to Service Baseball game held in Washington, D.C.
7/3/2021 - TAPS Media
This 4th of July, we thank you for your loved one's service to this country in defense of the freedoms we celebrate today.
7/2/2021 - Bonnie Carroll
A surviving mother finds a sense of peace and belonging with other Gold Star Families while celebrating the 4th of July without her son.
7/1/2021 - Teresa Cleaver
This 4th of July holiday, we remember the statement located on the wall at the Korean War Memorial in Washington, D.C. "Freedom is Not Free."
7/1/2021 - TAPS Media
Returning to work after loss of a loved can be a positive experience if approached with care, knowledge and managed expectations for yourself and your employer.
6/30/2021 - Rachel Kodanaz
Video recording discussion on the aspects of EMDR and why it is recognized as an evidence-based method of treatment for PTSD.
6/29/2021 - Howard Lipke
Gardening is much more than a hobby or fun pastime. In fact, there are many proven benefits of gardening that people enjoy.
6/28/2021 - Happy DIY Home
Thirteen NFL teams, our largest amount to date worked alongside teams4taps to celebrate the lives of our Fallen Heroes in 2020.
6/25/2021 - Jessica Harper
At TAPS it's our mission to care for the loved ones of America's Fallen Heroes and we are fortunate to have the support of leaders within the military community.
6/25/2021 - TAPS Media
Begin to understand your degree of loneliness and get tips for finding ways past your loneliness with this helpful guide from Dr. Wolfelt.
6/23/2021 - Alan Wolfelt
Video recording discussion on exploring rich entries into our life-stories through music, both literally and metaphorically.
6/22/2021 - Joy Berger
Video recording discussion on the period of transition from caregiving to bereaved as well as ways to cope and support yourself through this process.
6/15/2021 - Lisa Zucker
Event Photos: Team TAPS participated June 5 and 6 at the Armed Forces Cycling Classic to raise money and awareness for TAPS.
6/6/2021 - TAPS Media
The Spotify playlist reflects the full spectrum of who we TAPS families are, what we’ve lost and what we’ve become.
6/1/2021 - Andy Weiss
Check out our highlight reels from the 27th Annual National Military Survivor Seminar over Memorial Day Weekend.
6/1/2021 - TAPS Media
Interview with surviving military father, TAPS Peer Mentor and Army Vet on how coming together with other TAPS Families helps ease the pain.
6/1/2021 - Jon Ganues
"Winter, spring, summer or fall All you have to do is call. And I'll be there, yes I will. You've got a friend" - Carole King
6/1/2021 - TAPS Media
Event Photos, May 28 - 31, 2021
6/1/2021 - TAPS Media
This Memorial Day TAPS families remember those they love and those they honor.
5/31/2021 - TAPS Media
Military Surviving spouse Lesliee Ojeda shares her experience as a survivor but also as a counselor helping others heal.
5/28/2021 - Skyler Henry
Together, we are stronger and continue to grow in our grief journey, honoring our heroes who have made the ultimate sacrifice for the freedoms we enjoy.
5/22/2021 - TAPS
Video recording discussion on exploring how can we learn about grief leadership from the life and service of the iconic Marvel character, Captain America.
5/20/2021 - Stephen Cozza, David Carey and Jill Harrington
As we come together to honor our nation's fallen heroes, we pause to reflect on the life they led and the sacrifices made for the freedoms we enjoy every day.
5/15/2021 - TAPS
Comfort and support for loss can come at unexpected times and in unexpected ways, to include from a receptionist at a dentist office.
5/12/2021 - David Gross
After loss, it is still possible to thrive, learn and grow as a result of our experiences. And with TAPS, we thankfully don’t have to do either alone.
5/10/2021 - Amanda Gallagher
This Mother’s Day, a surviving daughter shares the important role her mom has played in shaping her young adult life both professionally and personally.
5/9/2021 - Cameron Bowman
May is the Month of the Military Caregiver. During this time, we would like to pause for a moment and acknowledge your sacrifice as a caregiver.
5/8/2021 - Coleen Bowman
Event Photos: TAPS survivors paddle by canoe through the Mark Twain National Forest of the southern Midwest.
5/2/2021 - TAPS Media
When our loved ones serve, the whole family serves and the TAPS family will pause throughout May to recognize and remember.
5/1/2021 - TAPS
The lives of those who we love and remember and honor are carved into our soul, imprinted on our hearts and woven into the fabric of our nation.
5/1/2021 - TAPS Media
Memorial Day is a day of remembrance and solace but I also find joy for having known heroes that selflessly chose to serve a cause greater than themselves.
4/30/2021 - Coleen Bowman
Video recording discussion on exploring some techniques to help cope with special memories and explore creative ways to commemorate your loved one.
4/27/2021 - Patti Anewalt
Surviving spouse shares her family's story of navigating their grief and how they found a way to reconnect to the military community after their loss.
4/26/2021 - Elizabeth Culp Sergent
April is National Autism Awareness Month, and TAPS recognizes the unique ways that grief might be expressed by children and adults on the autism spectrum.
4/25/2021 - Andy McNeil
As flowers bloom, trees take their familiar green shape, and warmer weather greets us, we have an opportunity to explore new growth in ourselves as well.
4/24/2021 - TAPS
"Though my pain has not been easy, grief is a journey, and it has birthed pain inspired purpose, and God has given me the strength to keep going."
4/23/2021 - Kaylin Jennings-Knight
Volume 27, Issue 1
4/22/2021 - TAPS Quarterly Magazine
As we celebrate Earth Day, Arbor Day and National Park week, we invite you to explore how your life intertwines with nature and its impacts on grief.
4/22/2021 - Rachel Hunsell
Video recording discussion on exploring key strategies and skills when working with people confronting grief, loss, trauma, illness and tragedy in all its forms.
4/20/2021 - Dale Larson
For some bereaved, volunteering is a valued component of the healing journey and provides physical and mental health, social and financial benefits.
4/19/2021 - Stephanie Frogge
Event Photos: Survivors come together in person and virtually in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
4/18/2021 - TAPS Media
As we walk together through our grief, let us pause to see the real splendor in nature and ponder ways to serve others while honoring our loved ones.
4/17/2021 - TAPS
On this Purple Up! Day, we share stories of service and sacrifice from Legacy Mentors, in their own words.
4/16/2021 - TAPS
Video recording discussion on how to increase understanding, communicate needs, and support different grieving styles among your family members.
4/13/2021 - Andy McNiel
Navigating our grief journey together and seeing the beauty that surrounds us can refuel us to reach out and connect with others at TAPS.
4/10/2021 - TAPS
Is there a female from TAPS or elsewhere in your life that has provided support or been an inspiration to you along your grief journey?
4/3/2021 - TAPS
Washington Nationals "Families of Valor" program partners with teams4taps to bring hope and healing to TAPS families.
4/1/2021 - Nicole Murray
As survivors, we are all superheroes, facing our grief day in and day out. Find your supports and lean in on those who understand.
4/1/2021 - Jennifer Keeling
TAPS events provide support, hope and well being to survivors of all ages. Learn more about our upcoming seminar, virtual events and outdoor expedition.
4/1/2021 - TAPS Media
Event Photos: 2021 TAPS Togethers
3/31/2021 - TAPS Media
A surviving daughter writes about the afflictions from Agent Orange exposure that has impacted so many military veterans including her father.
3/29/2021 - Claire Henline
Each step of the way our TAPS Family has been there to support us and keep us connected virtually during the pandemic.
3/27/2021 - TAPS
As we begin to slowly emerge from quarantine, many of us may be experiencing a sense of renewal as we venture back into activities and routines.
3/20/2021 - Carol Lane
Video recording discussion on common ways we can be way too hard on ourselves after a loss, along with tips about how to be kinder to ourselves.
3/16/2021 - David Feldman
TAPS ensures 24/7 emotional support, casework assistance, virtual connection opportunities, and ongoing access to grief and trauma resources.
3/15/2021 - TAPS Impact
Often, music can help us express our feelings much easier than through writing or talking.
3/13/2021 - Carol Lane
Read what skills and strengths other survivors have discovered about themselves after their loss.
3/6/2021 - Carol Lane
Spring is the season of new beginnings, and we look forward to preparing the ground, planting seeds and growing with you in the journey to blooms.
3/3/2021 - Rachel Hunsell
The TAPS Family is diverse and beautiful. And while we each began our journeys in different ways; our paths have converged at this loving place called TAPS.
3/1/2021 - TAPS Media
Event Photos: Survivors come together in person and virtually in Dallas Texas.
2/28/2021 - TAPS Media
This past year, many of us have been left dreaming of vacations. Survivors share their favorite place that they went with their loved ones.
2/27/2021 - Carol Lane
Video recording discussion on the realities of long term care and caregiving as well as review of federal insurance eligibility and program options for families.
2/23/2021 - Hunt Kerrigan - Lisa Roussel - Bonnie Carroll
Hear from survivors on how they cope when feelings of grief overcome them, even after a long time has passed since the death of their loved one.
2/20/2021 - Carol Lane
During this period of quarantine, some have found the additional time to develop new hobbies or skills or have worked hard to enhance old skills.
2/13/2021 - Carol Lane
Video recording discussion on powerful tools for reducing the components of debilitating stress for improved health and wellness.
2/9/2021 - Neil Goodman
Many families share traditions of watching or attending sporting events together. Read about special sports memories survivors had with their loved ones.
2/6/2021 - Carol Lane
Learn how Soft Belly Breathing and Shaking and Dancing can help us feel easier in ourselves and make us feel more comfortable connecting with others.
2/1/2021 - James Gordon
The TAPS Family is built on love. It is our foundation, our inspiration, our strength. Let us reflect on love - in all its forms.
2/1/2021 - TAPS Media
Survivors share about the comfort they have received from peer mentors and how meaningful those relationships have been for them.
1/30/2021 - Carol Lane
To give and receive love is life’s most grand adventure and deepest valley, a painful darkness and a holy sanctuary.
1/29/2021 - Rachel Hunsell
Video recording discussion on how mindfulness can help you navigate loss, improve your health, and cultivate compassion for your grieving heart.
1/28/2021 - Jill Harrington-LaMorie - Heather Stang
When friends or loved ones gather, often there is a sharing of food and conversation. Learn some of our survivors' loved ones favorite foods.
1/23/2021 - Carol Lane
Event Photos: Volunteers assemble resource kits for TAPS Survivors at TAPS Headquarters in Arlington, Virginia.
1/18/2021 - TAPS Media
Thumbies, dog tags, quilts, shirts and bandannas are some of their loved ones' precious items survivors find comfort in wearing.
1/16/2021 - Carol Lane
Video recording discussion on the six myths about grief, why they are still prevalent, and how we can successfully address them.
1/12/2021 - Kelvin Chin
2020 has been a challenging year for so many in so many ways. Survivors look to 2021 with a fresh perspective, full of hope and seeking joy.
1/9/2021 - Carol Lane
Find hope in the winter wilderness with an open heart and mind. Be open to what is and what is to come both in the winter and in our grief.
1/8/2021 - Rachel Hunsell
As we transition into a new year, we will forge new paths together in our hearts and set foot on trails we've yet to see. Together, we will explore the wild.
1/6/2021 - Rachel Hunsell
As we go into the new year after 2020, perhaps this year we choose to give ourselves the grace of making space to see what our internal voice has to teach us.
1/4/2021 - Erin Jacobson
We are stronger together. Don't go it alone. Find encouragement with a TAPS Peer Mentor and keep hope alive.
1/1/2021 - Audri Beugelsdijk
TAPS President and Founder Bonnie Carroll sends a message of warmth and care to all military survivors as we begin the New Year.
1/1/2021 - Bonnie Carroll
This has been an incredibly difficult year, but it is a year that has also given us gifts. We recognized that we are a family and we are stronger together.
1/1/2021 - TAPS Media