Presented by the Hospice Foundation of America (HFA), this program with Phyllis Kosminsky, PhD, LCSW, FT and John (Jack) R. Jordan, PhD, reviews attachment-informed grief therapy and explore the ways attachment styles mediate mourning and influence the therapeutic process. Based on their recent book, Attachment Informed Grief Therapy: The Clinician's Guide to Foundations and Applications, Dr. Kosminsky and Dr. Jordan address the clinical skills that they regard as the core elements of an effective therapeutic relationship with bereaved clients. Continuing education credits are available for professionals through the Hospice Foundation of America.
Phyllis Kosminsky, PhD, LCSW, FT
Phyllis Kosminsky, PhD, LCSW, FT, is a clinical social worker specializing in grief, loss and trauma. In 2008 Dr. Kosminsky was named a Fellow in.Thanatology by the Association for Death Education and Counseling (ADEC), in recognition of her contributions to teaching, research and clinical practice in the field of bereavement.
John (Jack) R. Jordan, PhD
John (Jack) R. Jordan, PhD, is a licensed psychologist and has specialized in work with survivors of suicide and other traumatic losses for more than 35 years. He is the Clinical Consultant for Grief Support Services of the Samaritans in Boston, Massachusetts, and the Professional Advisor to the Loss and Healing Council of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP). He is Co-Chair of the Survivors of Suicide Loss Task Force of the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention.
Program Details
This webinar target audience is for health care clinicians, social service clinicians and others working in the hospice, palliative care, counseling, hospital, nursing home, funeral home or faith community environments.
A total of 1.5 Continuing Education credits will be available from a variety of professional boards. View the full program information sheet. Certificates cost $9. Webinar registration fees apply.