TAPS Suicide Prevention and Postvention
Suicide Prevention Month Social Media Toolkit
September 2024
Thank you for your commitment to the families of all who served and died for this nation. Supporters and partners like you ensure that TAPS can continue the critical mission of caring for grieving military and veteran survivors.
We encourage you to share our message through your digital media platforms. Each share provides an opportunity to reach a grieving suicide survivor, volunteer committed to our mission, or donor who will proudly help us support America’s military surviving families.
To assist with your outreach, our team has created social media videos in honor of Suicide Prevention Month.
We are honored to have your support. By helping us share our mission, you are honoring America’s fallen heroes and ensuring their families always have a home with TAPS.
Learn more about TAPS Suicide Loss Support programming and resources.
Social Media Posts and Video Suggestions
In honor of National Suicide Prevention and Awareness Month, join us as we unveil 10 Things We Know to Be True - Surviving Suicide Loss. Each video of the 10-part series captures truths that resonate, offering solace and guidance regardless of where you are in your grief journey.
The wisdom in these videos is a reflection of survivor stories and expert insights in suicide loss, grief, and trauma. They underscore the power of community and the deep healing that arises from our shared understanding.
Share the suggested copy and videos provided below on your social media throughout the month of September.
Videos: 10 Things We Know About Suicide Loss

Video Recap: 10 Things We Know About Suicide Loss
Grief can feel isolating, but you don't have to walk this journey alone. We've been down the road you're traveling, and we're here for you.
Share Link: https://youtu.be/xOnlyix8JW8

Video 1. You Are Not Alone
Grief can feel isolating, but you don't have to walk this journey alone. We've been down the road you're traveling, and we're here for you.
Share Link: https://youtu.be/DqGecb5cJNI
Vimeo Link: Download Video 1

Video 2. You Will Not Always Feel This Much Pain
As time passes and with postvention support and care, the hurt you feel now can evolve and change. The intense, all-consuming emotional pain will not always feel like it does right now, and can ease and soften with grief work and passing of time.
Share Link: https://youtu.be/r5HtzaXDYwM
Vimeo Link: Download Video 2

Video 3. Most People Who Die By Suicide Do Not Want To Die
Whatever pain brought our loved ones to end their lives, it inhibited them from thinking clearly and from fully comprehending the heartbreak their suicides would cause.
Share Link: https://youtu.be/UfoLZMIk5ZU
Vimeo Link: Download Video 3

Video 4. It is Not Your Fault
Suicide is rarely the result of a singular issue, interaction, conversation, or contributor. It usually involves multiple, complex factors that culminate in a devastating event.
Share Link: https://youtu.be/XJyh71nAX50
Vimeo Link: Download Video 4

Video 5. You Cannot Prevent What You Cannot Predict
There is no way to have known exactly what would happen at a precise moment in time. We cannot control the thoughts or actions of others.
Share Link: https://youtu.be/JvgDQhWVgs0
Vimeo Link: Download Video 5

Video 6. Eventually, the Questions Can Ease From Being All Encompassing
"Why?" "What if?" Most of us who have experienced suicide loss wrestle with endless questions. This is normal, and over time, can help process our thoughts so that we can eventually find healing and understanding.
Share Link: https://youtu.be/Y9eOwa7bd2I
Vimeo Link: Download Video 6

Video 7. What You Tell Yourself Matters
How you talk to yourself about what happened can shape the experience of your grief journey. You deserve to be supported and to create your story in going forward that best helps you heal on a hopeful path towards your future.
Share Link: https://youtu.be/7b5-_gDjmXU
Vimeo Link: Download Video 7

Video 8. Suicide Is Not A Reflection Of Love
People who die by suicide are in pain and often believed they are a burden. They may have thought that others would be better off without them. We know this to be untrue, but our loved ones likely could not see clearly through the fog of their emotional pain.
Share Link: https://youtu.be/tPAGfy94_1o
Vimeo Link: Download Video 8

Video 9. How You Cope Is Up To You
You didn't choose for this to happen to you, but you do get to decide how to respond to it. You have control in how you choose to heal.
Share Link: https://youtu.be/k_ZN935C2dI
Vimeo Link: Download Video 9

Video 10. Love Never Ends
When your loved one died, the love didn't just stop. Your relationship with them can continue. You can keep the positive memories alive in your own life and actions.
Share Link: https://youtu.be/GwJh5x9DiQs
Vimeo Link: Download Video 10
The Impact TAPS Made in 2023
In 2023, we welcomed into our TAPS Family of over 100,000, 9,611 new military and veteran survivors. TAPS provides an array of programs, survivor benefit services, trainings, resources and comfort for the families of the fallen.
Share our Impact Report using the suggested social media copy below:
Since 1994, TAPS has supported the families of America's Fallen Heroes. TAPS stands ready - 24/7 - to provide compassionate care and critical resources to anyone a death in the military or veteran community. Learn more about the impact of the TAPS Mission: https://www.taps.org/impact/2023.