Video Gaming Connections with teams4taps

add to outlook calendar add to gmail calendar September 1 - December 31, 2020

TAPS Families!

Do you or someone in your family love playing video games? TAPS is exploring some opportunities with our partners to connect TAPS families with the eSports world.

TAPS boy playing at an arcade

TAPS boy and adult playing at an arcade

Video games have become more popular than ever, with the best gamers having the opportunity to become professionals. Whether it’s competing in the top leagues or tournaments around the world, streaming to Twitch for viewers, or just playing for fun, video games offer everyone a chance to get involved.

We are looking for TAPS family members who have a passion for gaming to be a part of these opportunities! If interested, please send us an email to to share you, your family or your fallen hero’s, connection to gaming. We would love to hear about what games you are currently into and what kind of console you use to play!