TAPS Military Casualty Grief Resources

TAPS, supporting military casualties since 1994, offers free 24/7 guidance to the Department of Defense (DoD) and Veterans Affairs (VA) on military and veteran deaths. This site provides comprehensive resources for navigating grief, practical arrangements, and emotional healing after a military loss. Tailored to diverse needs, TAPS stands with our partners in military casualty, spanning branches, circumstances, relationships, and duty statuses, including National Guard and Reserve, offering continuous support to those grieving the death of a military loved one or a member of the military community.

Steps to Connect Military Survivors and Veterans to TAPS

Thank you for honoring our fallen heroes by connecting all those grieving the death of a military loved one or veteran with TAPS. We are here for you with resources and support.

Step 1


Share the TAPS mission to inform all survivors of the resources and grief and trauma support available to them — this includes survivors not eligible for government benefits (parents, siblings, significant others, unmarried partners, ex-spouses, etc.).

Step 2


Assess any additional needs the survivors may have that TAPS can meet including:

TAPS Staff talking with a military survivor

Step 3


With permission, connect survivors with TAPS (available 24/7):

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How TAPS Helps: Expertise on Military Grief

TAPS is here for all those grieving the death of a military loved one. Regardless of their relationship to the deceased, manner of death, or the duty status of their loved one at the time of death, TAPS is here for all.

Federal Military Casualty Resources

The Department of Defense (DoD) and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) recognize TAPS as the authoritative expert in military grief, bereavement, trauma, suicide postvention, and more. TAPS and TAPS leadership, staff, and Advisory Board members are cited within multiple publications written specifically for the military and veteran community on navigating the aftermath of a death.

American Flag

TAPS Briefing

TAPS honors all who served and died. TAPS offers a wide range of expertise, services and programs for military survivors, walking alongside them in their grief journey. Download this briefing for information on TAPS mission, vision, values, impact, core services and more.  

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Death by Suicide

This Postvention Toolkit for a military suicide loss was created for military leadership in partnership with TAPS subject-matter experts.


YouTube Video: 15 minutes, 30 seconds
Unit Stabilization After Suicide Loss


YouTube Video: 3 minutes, 21 seconds
Navy SEAL Frank Larkin on Death by Suicide

Soldiers - PyschArmor Training

PsychArmor Training (30 minutes): Unit Stabilization After Suicide Loss

TAPS Survivors - PyschArmor Training

PsychArmor Training (30 minutes): Treating Grief in the Veteran Population


YouTube Video: 1 minute, 25 seconds
Words matter. How we talk about suicide matters.

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Need some printable resources? Please email TAPS Military Casualty at militarycasualty@taps.org with your shipping address, and we will be glad to send along printed copies.

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Request a free online briefing for Military Casualty Representatives by calling 800-959-TAPS (8277) or by emailing one of the following addresses:

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Photo Credits: Banner image and three Airmen with folded flags on this page are U.S. Army photos by Elizabeth Fraser at Arlington National Cemetery.

Psych Armor Training Modules created in partnership with Psych Armor, TAPS Subject-Matter Experts and Dr. Craig Bryan.